Thursday, March 13, 2008

Warhammer - lizardman army

This is a miniatures game call Warhammer, you have to buy the figure and paint them. It took me a while to paint all 18 of them. The big one took me longer to paint, but when I finish it the feeling is great. The series I am building is lizardman army it is part of the Warhamer fantasy, I got the rule book for the army but I have no clue how to play it.

SiFi godness

This one toke me almost months to do, yet it is still not finish . It is like I never finish anything, but I will keep on try.

self project

These two are the drawing I did for the project that me and my friend come up. It really got me motived to draw.


I did this for a Holloween contest but never made the deadline.

Keep Tring

These two are more of my recent drawing in my sketchbook. I try to be more detail but I guess this is the far as I get.

Rock my World

I did this drawing a while ago when I experience my first rock concert in my life. It the rock concert you can really feel the passion of the band and the listener. It was a unforgettable day.

A nver finsh story

I did these two when I was playing some D&D with couple of my friend. The title was "Shadow of Gilroy" these two are the character I created in the game.
But we never finish the game and I did finish the character profile either.

looking back on my drawing

Since I haven't put up any of my drawing. I will put some of my old drawing from my sketch book on here

Maya self study

I guest this is my second big project on Maya. I think everyone know why I made this, that Transformer movie of course. It is still under construction. I might finish it some day, if I get my mind together.